Entries from August 2009 ↓

Page 024: Questions

I\’m going to do my best to get page 025 up on time next week, but I might not manage.

In related news, I\’m going to be at PAX!  If I remember, I\’ll be bringing some of the postcards I had made up for San Diego.

Page 023: First Day

And now you see why this one took so long. I\’m pretty proud of it, though.

We should be back on track next week – see you Monday the 31st!

Character Art – Meliantha and Astaera

Due to an unfortunately planned crowd scene in page 023, I wasn\’t able to get it done in time for Monday\’s update.  So I whipped out a bit of character-design art instead; next Monday (the 24th), page 023 will go up, and hopefully I\’ll be a little ahead on 024 by then!

Sorry about the missed comic.  In exchange, here are a couple of characters soon to appear in the comic, and a look at the student uniforms at Bellinar Intermediate Academy.

Page 022: The Morellan Schools

I\’m lucky I was a bit ahead when last week\’s comic went up, because this one took a lot longer than usual.  Mostly because of the perspective on the building.  I have to find a better way to do that sort of thing.

This is my fourth on-time page in a row!  Next page goes up Monday, August 17th.

Page 021: Elemental

I\’m slowly getting ahead on comic work. I\’m hoping in the next month or two I\’ll have some time to work on the website design and maybe some other artwork on the side. Details will be posted here as available!