Matching Monday #001: RAINN

There are so many people in increased danger as a result of Donald Trump\’s election to the Presidency.  There are also so many people pulling together to help each other.  It is easy for those of us not directly in danger to adjust to the situation – for the culture of hate and fear underpinning Trump\’s political career to become the new normal, and for that complacency to lead us to stop fighting so hard.  I don\’t want that to happen.

So, I\’m starting a new regular((I promise it\’ll be more regular than my Dragaera posts!)) feature on Pyrlogos.  Every Monday, I\’ll name one of Trump\’s allies – his campaign surrogates, endorsers, members of his eventual Cabinet, and other public figures who support him.  And I\’ll highlight a charity that is helping fight against some form of the hate and oppression that that person propagates.  I\’ll match donations to that charity for the week (up to a limit), and I\’ll provide a mailing address for said person so we can make our donations to the charity in their honor((This part was inspired by the \”Donate to Planned Parenthood in honor of Mike Pence\” idea that was circulating online last week.)).

\"\"For our first Matching Monday, we\’ll start with Trump\’s greatest ally, his strongest promoter, the person who will above all else make sure that Trump is taken care of.  That\’s right, we\’re starting with Donald J. Trump himself.

Choosing one particular charity to oppose his influence was difficult, but while there are many forms of bigotry he was happy to incite for political gain during the campaign, his own worst impulses seem to center on sexual predation.  So our first highlighted charity is the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network.  RAINN is the nation\’s largest anti-sexual-violence organization; they operate the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-HOPE), and they run a wide variety of programs to advocate for survivors of sexual violence both individually and at a policy level.  Read more about RAINN here.

Donate to RAINN

\"\"Donate to RAINN here.  If you would like to make your donation in Donald Trump\’s honor, you can provide the following address:

Donald Trump
C/O The Trump Organization
725 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10022

I\’ll match the first $100 in donations.  To have your donation matched, forward your emailed donation receipt to by Friday evening; over the weekend I\’ll make my matching donation, and then I\’ll announce our total donated amount in next Monday\’s post along with our next charity.

Charity Suggestions

I\’m planning on doing this throughout the entirety of Trump\’s presidency, over 200 Mondays.  While I\’ll probably repeat charities (and Trump allies) at some point, I\’m hoping to avoid doing that for a while – so I need your help!  If you have suggestions for future Matching Mondays, comment below or email your suggestions to


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